Technology Evolving Gene Technology
Agroceres PIC is the undisputed leader in the Brazilian and Argentine swine genetics market. The company, formed by Agroceres Group and the Pig Improvement Company (PIC), has always excelled for its innovations, high technology, intensive genetic progress programs, and degree of excellence in products and services. It's been driving our swine industry for almost five decades. PIC is active in almost 50 countries and has countless Pure Lines under continuous genetic development, meeting the multiple production requirements of the world's swine industry. International genetic leadership, proven by the production of more than 170 million animals per year ao ano with PIC genetics worldwide. |

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Our Story
Realiza a primeira exportação de reprodutores de elite para a Colômbia, um marco para a internacionalização do setor de genética suína no Brasil, ampliando sua atuação no mercado sul-americano
• Entra em operação a Unidade de Disseminação de Genes em Campos Novos (SC), sua sétima UDG no Brasil, resultado da parceria com a cooperativa Copercampos.
• Chegam ao mercado os primeiros reprodutores de elite do Núcleo Genético Gênesis, consolidando um novo modelo de melhoramento genético no Brasil, que aumenta a competitividade da produção de suínos.
• Inaugura a Unidade de Disseminação de Genes em Campo Grande – MS, oitava UDG no Brasil, estendendo sua presença produtiva ao Centro-Oeste e a abrangência de sua Rede de Genética Líquida no País.
• Genesis is opened, a milestone for Brazilian swine farming. Located in Paranavaí - PR, Genesis is the largest and most advanced genetic nucleus in Latin America, which transforms Brazil into a global center of genetic improvement of swines, and is integrated with the PIC Elite Farms Chain.
• Inaguración Florentino Ameghino, en Provincia de Buenos Aires, una moderna Unidad de Diseminación de Genes, agregando diferencias de competitividade para la porcinocultura Argentina.
• Genes Dissemination Unit is opened in Paranavaí - PR, its sixth GDU in the country, increasing production capacity to 4.5 million inseminating doses per year. • It obtains ISO 9001 certification, version 2015, for its network of Genes Dissemination Units (GU's). |
• In partnership with Cooperativa A1, it opens a Research and Innovation Center to carry out experiments and validations, on a commercial scale and under Brazilian production conditions, in different areas of swine production. |
• Fraiburgo – SC Gene Dissemination UnitCenter doubles its production capacity to 1.2 million doses of semen of very high genetic level. |
• Launches the Sire AGPIC 800, with a superior profile that combines meat quality attributes with resilient progeny and exceptional growth speed. |
• Inauguration of the Gene Dissemination Unit in Itabirito – MG, the fifth GDU in the country, consolidating the largest Liquid Genetics structure in Latin America, with a production capacity of 3 million doses per year. |
• Inauguration of the Gene Dissemination Unit in Laranjeiras do Sul – PR, the largest and most modern GDU in Latin America. • Introduction in Brazil of the TADD (Thermo-assisted Drying and Decontamination) technology, a new concept for decontamination of swine transport vehicles using drying with forced hot air. |
• Launch of the AGPIC 359 boar, with maximum growth efficiency and resiliency.
• Incorporation of the pig genetics company Génétiporc. • Launch of the AGPIC PLUS genetic update program, an advanced closed production system. |
• Inauguration of the Gene Dissemination Unit in Fraiburgo -SC, creating the technological basis to generate new gains to the national pig farming industry. • Launch of the CBV Max boar genetics program - genetic progress raised to the maximum power. |
• Launch of the AGPIC 327 boar, with unique genetics for robustness and accelerated offspring growth. • Launch of the AGPIC 426 boar, with superior quality and carcass conformation profile. |
• Launch of the Camborough sow – the global Agroceres PIC sow. |
• Launch of the AGPIC 425 boar, a new genetic standard for lean meat production. |
• Agroceres PIC celebrates its 30th anniversary. |
• Launch of the AGPIC 415 boar, a hallmark of lean yield and prime cuts. |
• Launch of the AGPIC 380 boar, which produces hogs with high growth rates and much superior meat quality. |
• Launch of the Camborough 23, a sow with high breeding efficiency and exceptional maternal abilities. |
• Launch of the Camborough 25, with exceptional breeding efficiency and superior productivity levels. |
• Launch of the AGPIC 337 PT1 boar, with automatic feed restriction. This is the second genetic marker of the AGPICmarq generation. • ISO 9001 certification: 2000 of the Brazil Gene Dissemination Unit. • ISO 14001 certification of the Nucleus Farm. |
• Launch of the AG 1075 LS1 sire, the first genetic marker for commercial use in Brazil - a proprietary technology of AGPICmarq. |
• Agroceres PIC merged with PIC Argentina, taking over the operations and distribution of breeding stock and sires of high genetic value in Argentina. • ISO 9001 certification of its Brazil Gene Dissemination Unit, the first of the industry. |
• Launch of the AGPIC 427 and AGPIC 421 boars, a new generation of boars with high prime cut yield. • Launch of theAGPIC 337 boar, free of the Halothane gene, with superior meat quality. |
• Launch of three boars of high genetic value, AGPIC 410, AGPIC 413 and AGPIC 420, specifically for artificial insemination. |
• Creation of the "Ultralight Pig“ – AGPIC 419: leaner and much healthier meat. |
• Inauguration of the Brazil Gene Dissemination. |
• Launch of Camborough 22, a sow for high-tech farms. |
• Pioneer use of DNA testing to identify Halothane-gene-free pigs. |
• Creation of the "Light Pig“ – AGPIC 405, triggering a new leap in carcass quality. |
• Launch of the AGPIC 400 boar, a new standard of carcass quality and prime cut yield. |
• Launch of the AGPIC 231 boar: better growth efficiency. • First to use the Medicated Early Weaning technique in Brazil. |
• Launch of the Camborough 15 - the first three-cross commercial sow of the market: hyperprolificacy, robustness and meat quality. • Development of the first nutrition program exclusively for high performance pigs. • Launch of the AG1050 dam. |
• Creation of a Project Engineering department to support customers. |
• Start of the development of hyperprolific maternal lines. |
• Launch of the AGPIC 204 hybrid boar. |
• Launch of the Camborough hybrid sow. |
• Arrival in Brazil of the first genetic nucleus for modern pork-type pigs. |
• Foundation of Agroceres PIC, a joint-venture between Agroceres and PIC Pig Improvement Company. |
Genetic Improvement

Top Value Genetics

Agroceres PIC has the largest and best structure for genetic improvement of swine in Latin America. In synergy with PIC, present in the main global swine production centers, we offer exclusive advantages for our clients - both pig farmers and agribusinesses: |
- Integration with the world's largest private swine genetics chain, a leader in productivity;
- Access to PIC's top genes and global data from its research and selection programs;
- Exchange with the most advanced genetic and management technologies used in North America and Europe.

Innovation and Evolution
Agroceres PIC has developed an advanced program to provide maximum efficiency and results to its clients, in order to update its genetic base, with the following core strategies:
- Direct connection between our Nucleus Genesis Farm and the PIC Global Program, eliminating the genetic gap and increasing the selection base and breeding intensity;
- Incorporating new Genetic Lines, to add variability and original phenotypes to the breeding nucleus;
- Regular imports of elite breeding stock, with the highest genetic indexes in the global swine industry.

Technology Leadership
In addition to the extremely updated genetic base, Agroceres PIC makes convergent use of powerful breeding tools and technologies to ensure the best genetic indexes in the Market.
- PICTraq: unique global genetic management system, with performance and pedigree data on more than 50 million animals.
- GNxBred: data from the performance of animals from commercial production systems is incorporated into the genetic program carried out at Elite Farms.
- Genomics: more than 250 thousand animals genotyped per year, allowing the identification of the best swine with high accuracy.
- Autofom: ultrasonic image analysis system that quantifies the commercial value of carcasses.
- Warner-Bratzer Method: assessment technique for measuring meat tenderness.
Agroceres PIC sows and boars are always at the top, with maximum genetic value.

Commitment to Results
In modern swine husbandry, the great responsible for improvements in zootechnical and economic performance of the herd is genetic progress. The faster the progress, the more benefits are transferred to the Market. Agroceres PIC has an absolute commitment to the maximum genetic progress of animals, offering swine with continuous gains in efficiency and always the best economic return for the entire production chain. |
Have a look at our performance in this area
- With genomics and other genetic technologies, Agroceres PIC increased the genetic progress of its animals by more than 35% in recent years.
- With this, in one year, it provides its customers with an average additional of R$ 22.18 per slaughtered hog*.
It is at the forefront of genetic selection for yield and tenderness of meat, generating more value for farmers and industry.
- It develops swine with genetic resistance to diseases (coming soon to the market), for better zootechnical performance and greater animal welfare.


Sustainability pillars

The pork chain has been strongly impacted by ESG concerns. There is no denying that this change is helping to bring food quality and health to more people, as well as making the industry itself more sustainable. At Agroceres PIC, social, environmental and governance issues are being integrated and submitted to a multidisciplinary management, in order to generate sustainable solutions and reinforce our commitment to social, environmental and corporate responsibility. |

Operating under the highest sanitary standards in all its production processes, Agroceres PIC is a reference in biosafety, in Brazil and abroad.
- Climatized barns, equipped with air filters that keep infectious agents out.
- Total control of vehicles, people and entry of inputs.
- Single-flow production, with isolation of teams per sector using strict protocols.
- Monthly sanitary monitoring of own herds and of its multiplication chain.
- Vehicle Cleaning, Disinfection and Drying System – TADD.

Agroceres PIC has a broad and demanding policy to ensure the best production practices and animal welfare, throughout its production system, aligned with the guidelines of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). For this purpose, it has a department entirely dedicated to the topic, which reports directly to the business director. |

Quality Management
For Agroceres PIC quality is a commitment and a matter of honor. That is why it keeps all its operational units under the Integrated Quality Management System, rigorously controlling, from end to end, all the company's processes - among which we have research, production, logistics, marketing and technical support to customers. It is a strong culture – a legacy of 75 years of experience of the Agroceres Group and almost 50 years of our partnership with PIC - that allows us to operate with high quality standards and offer products developed with high technology provided to our customers throughout the country. |

Quality Policy

Quality Policy for the Liquid Genetics