AGPIC Liquid Genetics

AGPIC Liquid Genetics is an effective strategy to raise the zootechnical performance of herds, because it delivers to farms the very high genetic value of Agroceres PIC sires. The AGPIC inseminating dose is synonymous with maximum quality and sanity. They are produced with certified quality, state-of-the-art technology, production automation, and extreme biosafety. Not to mention the complete traceability of the production process, from order to delivery, which is made in a climate-controlled and online controlled fleet. |
- 11 UDGs estrategicamente localizadas.
- Capacidade de produção superior a 8,5 milhões de doses inseminantes /ano.
- 1,2 milhão de fêmeas atendidas no Brasil e na Argentina.

Genetic Power
- Boars from the top of the genetic improvement pyramid.
- Breeding stock with more than 3,500 boars for collection.
- More than 100% annual replacement rate of the breeding stock via continuous management of the genetic indexes.

Extreme Biosafety

- Two sanitary barriers with strict control of the entry of people and supplies.
- Double quarantine of breeding stock, with filtered air, operating simultaneously to meet the high demand for replacement boars during collection.
- Climatization and microbiological air filtration with positive pressure.
- Continuous assessment and monitoring of sanitary status through a robust biosafety and sanitation program.

Controlled Environment
- Acclimatized rooms for stabilization and shipping of the inseminating doses.
- Strict control of temperature and humidity in the barns.
- Scheduled and automated ambience management.

Quality Production

- Pneumatic system for semen transportation from the collection barn to the laboratory.
- Reverse osmosis system for high quality water production.
- Automatic lines of analysis, processing and bottling of inseminating doses.
- Strict management system with full traceability.
- Production processes certified by ISO 9001:2015.

Monitored Logistics
- Dedicated software for order management, shipping and delivery processes.
- Climatized fleet with specific preservers for inseminating doses that ensure the stability of the product until the customer's farm.
- Real-time monitoring, from shipment to delivery.

Specialized Technical Support

- Technical team with expertise and focus of knowledge in biotechnology of swine reproduction.
- Technical support for implementation, conservation and use of the Liquid Genetics.
Agroceres PIC Liquid Genetics enables superior gains in growth speed, feed conversion, carcass yield and reproduction. This raises the zootechnical standard of your production system and provides a decisive economic advantage for your business. |