The genetics of the Pig – Agroceres PIC


The differential in this advanced genetic updating program lies in providing maximum genetic progress and maximum sanitary safety, at the same time. This reduces costs and increases the productive efficiency of the herds.

AGPIC PLUS is a Closed Production System, with herd self-replacement.

Without the introduction of new animals and using the superior quality of AGPIC Liquid Genetics.

For this, we offer GGP and GP sows, in addition to exclusive genetic management methodology (PICTraq), which defines insemination priorities and manages flow and stock of gilts.

There are several genetic, health, economic and management benefits offered by AGPIC Plus.

Genetic Benefits

AGPIC Plus provides access to the best genetic material available permanently, because it uses the GGP and GP Liquid Genetics from the top of the genetic advance and that represent the top 8% of the Agroceres PIC evolutionary pyramid.

In addition, it ensures sows' genetic management, making use of the exclusive PICTraq program, which monitors the GGPs and the GPs herd, establishing the priority for inseminations and culling recommendations.

Because of the continuous process of genetic improvement, Agroceres PIC periodically makes available monitoring reports of the reproductive herd, which allows the tracking of the genetic index value effectively used.

Sanitary Benefits

AGPIC Plus enables the management of the most important biosafety risk event, the introduction of replacement animals, protecting the production unit from sanitary threats. Consequently, it reduces the need for the use of medicines and vaccines by promoting the stabilization of herd immunity, contributing to swine production with minimal veterinary costs.

The Liquid Genetics sent for genetic updating in the AGPIC Plus program features a high sanitary status following a very strict monitoring program, performed by the technical support of Agroceres PIC swine health specialists, strengthening the biosafety of the units.

The evolution in the management and efficiency of sow replacement is remarkable with AGPIC Plus, a strong disease barrier is established, blocking the influx of emerging infectious agents and maximizing sanitary safety.

Economic Benefits

By using the Liquid Genetics and being more efficient in gene dissemination, AGPIC Plus has the potential to raise productivity, increasing the number of live births. At the same time, it decreases mortality, improves feed conversion and piglet weight gain.

AGPIC Plus promotes a significant reduction in production costs, through the reduced need for medicines and vaccines, more efficient management of the reproductive herd and its positive impact on productivity.

Management Benefits

AGPIC Plus is an excellent strategy to improve the management of your production system, because it provides:

The evolution in the management and efficiency of sow replacement is remarkable with AGPIC Plus. A totally innovative system that unites consistent genetic progress with the best biosafety solution in swine production.

See also


The swine breeder with the highest economic return in the market. It is the most used in the world, a reference in kg weaned/female/year.

PIC Terminal Sires

Progenies with better feed conversion, optimal daily weight gain, higher carcass yield and meat quality.

Updating Programs
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