The genetics of the Pig – Agroceres PIC

Sturdy in the Field, Swift in Growth, and Unmatched in Quality

AGPIC 800 is the ultimate genetic solution for production systems with specific meat quality requirements. It combines robustness, ease of management, high growth rates, and exceptional feed efficiency. This breed produces resilient animals with superior growth performance and outstanding meat quality.

Dynamic and Enduring Genetic Evolution

AGPIC 800 is the result of a robust and consistent Genetic Improvement Program, which employs innovative genetic tools and technologies to provide animals for high-quality meat production at minimal cost. It offers accelerated genetic progress, ensuring superior performance and economic advantage in daily production.

Maximizing Profitability

AGPIC 800 produces sturdy piglets with excellent growth efficiency. Its progeny exhibit rapid, vigorous growth with outstanding average daily gain (ADG). 

A comparative study by PIC shows that AGPIC 800 piglets weaned heavier at the same age compared to leading competitors. They also demonstrated faster growth rates and a notable advantage in ADG across all breeding lines. Genetic technology enhancing your competitive edge.

International Genetic Standards

All the vigor and competitive advantages of AGPIC 800 are now guaranteed by Gênesis, the largest genetic nucleus in Latin America. Integrated into PIC's global network of Elite Farms, it ensures access to animals of the highest genetic value and exceptional performance.

AGPIC 800: the definitive choice for those seeking meat quality, resilience, and profitability.

See also


Animals of high genetic value, designed for contracted multipliers and closed daughter nucleus farms, for the production of terminal boars and parent gilts.

OIC Terminal Sires

Progenies with better feed conversion, optimal daily weight gain, higher carcass yield and meat quality.

Updating Programs
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